
A portable audiometer made for schools, industry and primary medical practices or wherever quick hearing screening evaluations are performed.


  • Weighs less than 1.6 kg/3.5 lbs
  • Battery status indicator
  • Operates with 3 AA batteries
  • Dedicated carrying bag


The AS608 screening audiometer is available with 2 different test batteries.

11 frequencies from 125Hz to 8kHz11 frequencies from 125Hz to 8kHz
Customize frequency test selectionsCustomize frequency test selections
Output levels from -10dB to 100dBHLOutput levels from -10dB to 100dBHL
Pure tone, warble tone and pulsed tonePure tone, warble tone and pulsed tone
Silent stimulus switchSilent stimulus switch
Patient response switch
Talk Forward
Hughson Westlake automatic pure tone test
PC integration with Diagnostic Suite
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